Originally Posted by Talek Krell
Joining an outfit is not the same as founding an outfit, and no one has suggested that being a part of one should cost money.
The context of my OP was strictly for founding an outfit, which I am considering. The details I mentioned were all things I personally feel would greatly benefit the members of the outfit, and make things run smothly. Especially given that I do not like to run an outfit as a dictator, and I like a lot of "military flavor" in a cooperative environment which requires tools to delegate functional authority, and member feed back.
Joining an outfit should be 100% free, same for enjoying, and making use of those tools, as members. However, I do see a developer case for requiring an outfit founder to pay for a premium outfit package so that the developers can justify making it very robust, with a very polished presentation to those that see it everyday.
I am also in the "one time cost" camp. An on-going cost would greatly disuade me from starting an outfit. Although, non-mandatory, newly developed additions wouldnt, as long as the new stuff is reasonably priced and beneficial. A good example being... in a year or so, outfit "motherships" being added into the game as an outfit content upgrade available to outfit founders for a one-time reasonable fee.
That was the general idea anyway...