Hi guys I've been following the Trustpad Poll thread for awhile and I see results are pretty close - 60:40 in favor of TPs. But I feel that the question posed is too unclear since it involves multiple elements, and two most important are concept of fast travel around base itself and mechanism (execution) of fast travel, what is reflected in the comments. By separating the two I believe we could get a clearer and more unanimous verdict by the community.
My personal opinion is that FT will be necessary due to vast size of the bases in PS2 however I dislike the execution itself. I feel that TPs are too arcadish (like being fired from a giant slingshot). It might be fun for some for awhile however I think that effect will wear off pretty soon and all we will have out of it is nuisance of having to worry no to miss the tower and slam into the wall or aircraft flying over the base while trying to assault or defend the base. I think that there are plenty of more appropriate alternative for fast travel most conventional being bidirectional Teleporter Pads/Gates that connect distant indoor locations within a base or maybe underground FT tubes etc.
Also there are two further aspect of FT which are important imo. First one is the tactical ability (option) to prevent FT by destroying the adjacent power generator (I hope this is the case already however it wasn't clearly confirmed in Night Ops video). Second one is the ability of FT to transport you to parts of the base held by the enemy (TPs clearly can do that from what we've seen). Since base designs are very open and enemy could come from any side I really feel that enemy being flung at you from air (or even transported to you by any other method of fast travel) will make battles too hectic and holding the lines for infantry completely impossible. There are infiltrator and LA classes who'll have abilities to travel unnoticed/fast and over the various obstacle. Beside that other troops could be dropped behind enemy lines by Galaxies and other transport vehicles and that's why I think that FT method should be open only between parts of the base held by friendly troops (your Empire).
p.s. Poll will allow multiple answers for convenience but 3 main questions are 1. Do you want FT and what kind? 2. Should FT be disabled by destroying adjacent generator? 3. Should FT be available between enemy-held points of the base? Please vote and comment your choices if you wish.
Edit: Since I've noticed that almost 20% of people who voted didn't actually do it properly I'm posting a graphic helper that will help you vote on this poll:
If you by any chance you find two of the first 3 poll options (points 1a and 1b) equally valid check them both and proceed as shown on diagram above.