Now that we've gotten a chance to see a lot more gameplay from TotalBiscuit's Night Ops video, what do you guys think about the current TTK? Personally, I think it's a bit low for a game like Planetside 2. Not only for infantry, but also for vehicles as well.
One of the best things about Planetside is the TTK was noticeably higher on infantry and vehicles, so you had more of a chance to react, use skill to overcome a disadvantageous position, as well as employing more tactics. In a game with a fast TTK like Battlefield, the second you get caught unaware by an enemy, you're dead. This promotes a very "run and gun" style game where the only important thing is your K/D ratio.
With the way the world/base designs are in Planetside 2, I think there's a lot of chance for you to get killed without even knowing what happened. That's not fun, and one of the main reasons I prefer games like Planetside 1/Quake 3/Tribes Ascend/etc over fast TTK "realistic" FPS games like CoD and BF.