Originally Posted by Bags
PS: I ran the standard HA/2 Decis + 3/4 boxes of ammo + 3 medkits + Bank + medapp + hack tool that most people did while in rexo. In agile I ran HA + Deci + 2 boxes of ammo + medkits because my friends always handled the hacking/EMPing 90% of the time. Though they never had ammo issues either.
You carried less ammo than I did, I guess I just shot more. I'd take shots on anyone I had a reasonable chance of hitting (assuming stealth was not a concern), just to get them damaged for friendlies, force them into cover, or attempt to make them repair/heal and hopefully get flanked while doing so.
Originally Posted by CutterJohn
Do we know the ammo boxes are infinite? Disregarding that, was anyone concerned that Lodestars gave infinite ammo to vehicles? Or that sunderers will do so in PS2? Same thing.
I'd completely agree it doesn't fit the LA class though. Its definitely an engineer role. Nobody would bat an eye if it was an engineer laying down an ACE for an ammo terminal.
I'd like to see it as an Engineer deployable, similar to Dispensers in Team Fortress 2 rather than some magic box that classes run around with like Battlefield 3.
And yes, I thought it was silly that Lodestars had infinite ammo and repairs for vehicles, but I think I was one of the few.