Originally Posted by Stardouser
Auto regen is a major problem in BF3. Tanks camp at long range, and simply back out when they take one hit and wait a few seconds for it to be repaired. There are ways that it hurts. With tanks having unlimited ammo, they can play this way and never come down off their mountain camp site.
And while I understand that this is a customization, if it's too powerful, it WILL allow the same uses as BF3's regen.
LOL and whats u do with Tank who just continue to spam 120 mm with 2 ENG repairing in continuous mode lolllllllll
the most viable tactics in BF2 BFBC BFBC2 BF3 as always been the 2 or 3 man crew ENG with repair kits !
In BF3 if ur vehicules get (( disactivated )) its start to burn until you repair it at 100 % if you dont the vehicules will slowly burn up !
Another point is self repair is very slow and i dont even use it because i found it Useless its better to get out of my tank and repair it !
In BF3 gunsoship like black hawk has ENG repairing for the passager seats and make them almost invisible from Ground based players !
The lack of options to destroys aircraft is the problem in BF3 NOT SELF repair !
And anyones who use the BAck off strategie with a tank almost never use self repair ITS slow and useless compare to a Repair kit