Originally Posted by Goldeh
Furthermore, it kind of makes medics less worthwhile to pick as a class. Why bring a medic right when you can just run away and regen right? The way I see it is that medics would be just used more for revivals then actually healing. Since everyone can heal.
If anything, regen health should be kept as a perk and not as a base passive that every class gets. Assuming that's what it is.
medic can actually and are actually the Only ones who can REVIVE peoples so in a games like planetside the ability to REVIVE people Worth to play this class Nothing to do with the (( healing )) i think every class should be able to heal themself if not it reduce the pace of the game and encourage CAMPING and ARMA style of gameplay Planetside should never be like ARMA !
SO Medic = REVIVE and Revive = the most valuable thing on this game !
When your inside a ennemy base nothing wotrh more than been able to bring back few guys in a infiltration of in a assault !
They will not respawn at 1 km away and have to go back to the base they will be actually rigth ehre they got kill back into the actions
So Revive did not worth enough to take the class ? you need everyones to finally become a medic to heal themself because none of the ramdons are doing it ?