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Old 2003-03-15, 06:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Illiterate Canadians Embarrassing for Canada

Illiterate Canadians 'embarrassing' for Canada
From Unregistered
PSU: Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON (PSU) -- Intelligence was once again proven to be a quality that many Canadians do not posses. Resulting in embarrassing posts that fortify the U.S. position of ridiculing their snowbound inbreed northern neighbor.

Lexington_Steele, notorious Liberal and twister of facts duped a pair of Canadians into this embarrassing situation. Apparently none of the 3 in question read anything more then the headline to the story before spouting off on their Anti-Bush, tirades.

Several members of the forum were asked for there take on this situation, and had this to say:

Hamma: I hate Political threads, but it does not surprise me to find out that Canadians can't read.

Navarone of {BOHICA} stated "It's unfortunate that they don't teach reading comprehension in Canada. I mean aren't they supposed to have better schools up there? Maybe they teach a class in "Making Assumptions" instead.

MrVicchio also of {BOHICA} had this to say, "I really feel bad for Dio when his countrymen can be duped into showing their national stupidity so easily. I almost wish he'd stop telling people he was from Canada. He's a smart kid, but his countrymen will bring him down."

MrVicchio also added "The funny thing is that all the Canadians do is concern themselves with U.S. foreign policy, and then turn around and tell us the reason the world hates the U.S. is because we don't mind our own business. If Canada is so great why can't they lead by example, and stay out of U.S. foreign and domestic affairs?"

SilentCacophony could not be reached for comment. It was assumed he was out trying to convince people that things published in the SF Bay Guardian are to be taken as seriously as CNN, or the BBC.

Last edited by Unregistered; 2003-03-15 at 06:08 PM.
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