Re: association with free to play
The overall impression towards F2P games has been improving for a while.
The problem so far is that few of the companies marketing F2P has hit on the time versus money #sweet spot# that most players are looking for (while still being profitable for the service provider).
Battlefield Heroes was an example of a game that gave a lot to free players but then had the developers go back on previous promises (causing media uproar) because they "gave too much of the game away for free".
Riot games - League of Legends, is one of the best current examples of a solid F2P unlock system (lots of inexpensive characters, individual prices drop over time and weekly "free to use" champion rotations), Riot charging £2-10 for a champion alternative appearance (anything from a re-colour to a model, voice and animation overhaul) is also an example of a #they really expect me to pay that?# cash shop.
To their credit Riot do not sell ANY performance boosters for cash.
Last edited by IMMentat; 2012-06-09 at 01:05 PM.