Originally Posted by Electrofreak
Someone else actually employing logic here... thank you sir!
The majority of the arguments to have it on LA are because they apparently don't have a well defined role (aside from exterior combat). I think the counter-argument for this would be to better define the role of LA with other skills and abilities.
The majority of the arguments to have it on HA are because HA need a lot of ammo, which makes little sense as was pointed out; it'll only encourage hoarding.
The majority of the arguments to have it on MED is because the other options weren't well-liked and the fact that MED is routinely in the thick of the battle where ammunition is being expended.
It seems pretty obvious that these are not great arguments, at least to me. The only argument against ENG having it seem to be that ENG have enough to do... but the reality is that most deployables are placed before, after, or during a lull in battle. During battle, like MED, Eng are fighting and working to support those that need assistance. The screenshots Neurotoxin have shown us show that ENG have an unlockable deployable armament supply terminal which likely will dispense ammunition.
Thus my argument is to do away with ammo boxes entirely. ENG already has a solution that doesn't require people to be throwing crates of ammo everywhere, and should encourage ammo conservation when one of those terminals isn't nearby.
One caveat, if you will allow me.
The one, or two box, dispensable, would be the base "ammo supply" ability. The dispenser deployable would be the advanced extension of that precedent. Therefore, there is no overlap of an ability already existent to the class, just an unlocked evolution, just like all the other classes.