Originally Posted by TurelSun
Unfortunately, because of Medic revives, where the body lands has to be the same for everyone. Still would be nice to have ragdoll physics in place, though it might make the Medics job a lot more interesting if they have to chase down bodies that have been blown away or landed in awkward locations.
Still, and fully embracing the spirit of TOA mode, it might be as simple as keeping the location of the torso uniform between server and client. Not every appendage relative to the torso.
Whether the head is facing south, or an arm is dangling off a ledge, or the legs are folded backwards so horribly that its painful to even look at doesn't matter from one client to another, provided the center of mass - the torso - is uniformly located among all clients. Same for the path the body takes as it goes flippity floppity accross the sky before coming to a stop wherever it is that it lands. If one player sees it cartwheeling while other players see it doing the super man, it doesn't really matter provided the center of mass travels the same arc and lands in the same place.
Its just one object being tracked per player. That's already being done. Unless I'm horribly, horribly wrong.