How come each faction doesn't own a continent? - PlanetSide Universe
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View Poll Results: Faction specific continents?
Yes- I want faction specific continents 25 21.37%
No- I like it how it is 44 37.61%
Bring back the sanctuary! 44 37.61%
other 4 3.42%
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Old 2012-06-12, 12:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
Re: How come each faction doesn't own a continent?

Originally Posted by Xyntech View Post
Continents are bigger now. I'm not even talking about how many square kilometers they are, I'm simply talking about how many important capture points there are on the map. A lot of towers used to be inconsequential in PS1, but now they are as important as bases used to be, with PS2's bases being huge and even more important than that.

By the most up to date information I can find, it looks like there are 63 points on Indar which you can capture to control a piece of territory. By comparison, Cyssor from the first game had 17 territory capture points (17 bases, becuase towers didn't provide territory control in the Lattice system). So that's more than 3x as many capture points on Indar vs some of the biggest maps in PS1.

The point being that there is at least three times as much play area packed into a single continent, with at least 4x as many players fighting over it.

So the upshot is that 3 continents at launch will equal pretty much the same amount of population and contestable territory as the 10 continents that PS1 launched with.

The downside is that locking a continent would remove 3 PS1 continents worth of playing space at a time, not just 1 out of 10.

Personally, the more I've thought about it, I'm not even a big fan of locking continents even when there are as many as 10. Certainly it allows for attackers to rest a moment without having to worry about immediately going back to fighting over the same land they just took, but I think the better choice would be to just make it more difficult to break into a continent, so that defenders don't have to keep such a huge force guarding the gate.

I'd also like to see a region system put in, where you can capture a series of hexes which together give you control of a region of the continent, with a regional benefit similar to continental benefits from PS1. Indar is already the equivalent of several PS1 continents smashed together, so I think it would make a lot of sense to also have subdivided regions which can be capped to replace that continent capping feeling.
Latest shots of Indar I've seen I counted over 70 capture points. So yea...They show that you don't even need adjacent territory to capture and control land. This makes the game much more fluid. I suspect you'll see things like outfits dropping on one small piece of land that has resource 'x' that they either need and try to hold it. I like this idea.

In my mind PS2 shouldn't be about 1 faction dominating a 2nd faction closely following behind and a third being some bastard child. I like what the devs have designed so far.
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