Originally Posted by Ant001
It's the same debate with every new game that comes out.
If it's hosted on dedicated servers then no matter what tech is used to compensate for high ping the fact is, if people have a delay at all then they wont play it.
Ping DOES make a huge difference in gameplay. Anyone with any experience in competitive play just wont play with pings over 90. Say what you want and baffle people with science but at the end of the day ping "delay" makes the game shit.
Sorry I forgot to add that the present Planetside seems more playable because of the spammy weapons and long arsed TKK. Planetside 2 is more like bf so ping WILL matter.
I know we will have a dedicated European server so I'm not to worried about it because I ping under 60 anywhere in the EU. But if I was east coast US I would not be happy at all right now.
I played BF1/2/3 and many other FPS competitively at a fairly high level. And yes i wouldn't play a competitive match with a ping if it was over 60.
But Planetside is totally different beast. You cannot compare it to BF3 they are hosted and networked completely different.