I Love planetside but the word free 2 play worries me. In alot of the interveiws with With higby and others I'm getting a mixed message. At first it seemed that Station cash was just for fancy camos and visual costumizations In this interviw on MMORPGcom
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...lvBfRdOG4&NR=1 Tramell suggested that it would be the classic system where you pay for weopons and only use ingame points for temporary purchase. This deeply worries me becaus often times games do this which for me ruins the experience. I'll dowload the game and play but it is so annoying for me to have to buy weapons whith IRL money. ill sometimes speand cash on some funky hat or something but with weapons which may or may not work with my style of play.
Thix is something that deaply worries me But am I the only one?