Originally Posted by elfailo
Or you could just answer it, at least for yourself.
Be honest about it too, otherwise it doesn't really work.
I care because a kid was killed for no reason, and as a human being I find the senseless death of children to be a Bad Thing. What's more, the circumstances of his death are very suspicious, and his killer has a history of violence while the deceased does not. This compounds what would otherwise be a sad event with a visceral demand to see justice done, and ensure that the potential murder of a child is not simply ignored.
You will find, as you interact with people more, that even events which do not directly affect us are sometimes enough to evoke strong emotions. Indeed, sometimes even works of pure fiction are able to elicit very powerful reactions out of their audiences. Whether it's the sad events of a Shakespearean tragedy, or the triumph of a beloved protagonist over adversity in any work of fiction you'd like, people are easily able to be inspired to care about events whether they're affected or not or, indeed, whether the events even happened.
Hopefully one day your creator will upgrade your software such that you become able to comprehend these things we humans refer to as "emotions". Partly because life without feeling is a dull, grey thing, and partly so you no longer bother us mere mortals with your stupid fucking questions.