Originally Posted by Ratstomper
I wouldn't have any issue with setting a proper "skill" level for the game, but I do think tactics and smart play should trump most who may just be more used to the controls, but playing stupidly. That means not implementing things that let people steamroll others with a cheap gimmick.
Let me stop your right there. What if you have a guy (or a squad) more used to the controls AND also playing with tactics with organized mates against people who are only used to the controls OR are only organized?
As Fek said in one of his replies, having deep gameplay/gunplay mechanics doesn't exclude the use of tactics. For some reason, you seem to think it does, and i don't understand why.
People who have mastered the controls and mechanics of a game, spent alot of time with the game, and they know the tactical aspects of it
aswell, that's why they'll noobstomp people who are simply playing tactically but who can't actually play properly. To them it may seem that the guy just owned them cause he was abusing a game mechanic, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Besides, if they think that and it's so easy to do, why can't they do it as well WHILE playing tactically together? I'll tell you why: Skill.