Smedley says that Platoons will be 100 people (10 squads of 10). This is an official announcement, source below. What I am wondering is if anyone has heard anything else (with a source please) that would show this may have just been Smedley mis-speaking.
GamesBeat: Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa was more like the last big sci-fi MMO effort, and that failed. [Trion's Defiance hasn't launched yet.
Smedley: Yeah. The difference between that game and this is: This is a shooter; this is an FPS; that’s all this is. It’s all playver versus player. There is no player versus environment in this. We’ve built in these very deep features for coordinated gameplay. Much deeper than you’ll see in any other game. We’ve got platoons that let you form together squads of 10, and you can get 10 squads of 10 together, you have a platoon of 100 people playing together. Then you have an outfit of 500 to 1000 people, which is like a large clan. It really is taking what’s traditional FPS gameplay and expanding it to a very large level. We think gamers are going to like that.
Edit: Source of recent video saying 30 was provided, Thank you Billybob
Originally Posted by BillyBob