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Old 2012-06-27, 12:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Staff Sergeant
Logri's Avatar
Lend me your creative mind.

Alrighty then...

Every few weeks myself and a group of friends come together to play some pen & paper RPG. Now, one of those friends and myself are the resident GM's or DM's (whichever term you prefer) and we tend to play all kinds of setting, fantasy, sci-fi whatever the group feels like playing.

I'm currently working on a Cyberpunk campaign and I hit a snag. I'm a huge Cyberpunk fan and I want to make it feel as authentic as possible. I'm in need of names that can be used for various Megacorp.

I have most names but there are still a few I need.
The ones I'm still looking for are:
- Finance/Banking.
This corp will be responsible for management of public and to a certain extend corporate finance, they will often be used as a middle man between various Megacorp.
- Genetic engineering.
People that are against cybernetic enhancements will turn to this company. Cloned or Vat grown replacement limbs, genetic enhancements, to a lesser extend stims etc...
- Computer systems/gadgets.
This corp will be offering consumer computer systems, means and tools to access the information network (legal and illegal), and they would also provide or assist certain corp with their data network.

I would like to find original names so here I am, looking for some input of my peeps

Some examples are: Eurocorp (from Syndicate) or Intex Systems (from Alien Breed) and so on...
All ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated

All your base are belong to us... eventually.
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