Looking for North American New Conglomerate Outfit
I'm looking to join a North American New Conglomerate outfit once Planetside 2 hits release, if anyone's willing to take me on. I'm a new player coming in to PS2, but I'm not completely unfamiliar with the original Planetside, either.
My Info:
Game Handle: Shylan
Age: 22
Timezone: Pacific (GMT -8)
Predicted Weekly Play Time: 15-20 hours
Voice Comms Capable: Yes (or will be by release, anyway).
Specialization(s): Combat medic, engineer, infiltrator
Preferred Outfit Style: Semi-casual, cooperative tactical play.
Relevant Gaming Experience: Unreal Tournament series, Battlefield series, Arma II: Operation Arrowhead, Blacklight: Retribution, Tribes Ascend
Reason for Joining an Outfit: For the sense of community and comradeship that comes with playing cooperatively and tactically to achieve a common objective.
Last edited by Shylan; 2012-06-28 at 02:22 AM.