Originally Posted by TheSaltySeagull
I actually took the time to register here just to make a comment in this thread because I think it needs to be said. The comment quoted above is simply false. You do NOT have to have a free game in order to attract a large player base. If you have a good quality game people will play it even if they have to pay. WoW is the most successful MMO in history and it requires players to pay a box price for the core game and its expansions as well as a monthly sub and has micro transactions. And despite that millions play it.
I am not going to comment on whether I like the free model vs other types like a sub based one because the devs have clearly stated the type of business model they are going to run with so no sense debating it unless we actually see real problems crop up during live. However the logic presented by the OP that the game "needs" to be free in order to attract 2k players per cont is flat out wrong and I felt it needed to be pointed out. If PS2 ends up being as good as it looks people most certainly would pay to play it.
EDIT: meant to say 2k per cont not server
Look at starwars old republic MMO numbers rigth now the game is pretty much dead but its a awesome mmo ! Even EA and bioware consider to make it F2P since the players count dramastically drop AND ITS A GREAT GAME !
Youll never ever have 2000 players per continents if this game is on the subscribtion model or pay for the BOX its simply not popular enough
WOW is totally out of it in this conversation WOW is a very old game and begin in the time where mmo begins to emerge !
no ones know it was going to be a good games but it as the WAR CRAFT names in it ... it was suficcient to be sucessfull
Just call planetside 2
Call of duty massive war 2 and you will selll millions of box
Planetside dont have the popularity of those games even if Ps1 was awesome and so good for the time it never reach the HALO , COD , Star craft , etc.. level of popularity
So never ever youll reach the 2000 players per continents with multiples continentals servers whiout the F2P model no matter HOW AWESOME the game is Its not popularized enough !