Names of Friendlies Should be GREEN!
After watching the stream last night I think the reason we've seen so much TKing so far is because of the inaccurate IFF interface (Identify Friend or Foe). I was struggling to tell which Empire people were, at a glance, and judging by the amount of TKing we've seen at E3 and again last night I don't think I'm the only one. Part of this, I believe, is because friendlies currently show up in WHITE. That's the same colour that you get for lots of other things in game.
Now I understand that the devs wanted to keep GREEN for squadmates but right now I just don't think it's worth the trade-off. I'd far rather see all the guys on MY Empire highlighted green and hopefully not get TK'd by every 'friendly' who happens to see me and can't figure out which Empire I belong to. Any thoughts?