Originally Posted by Siimot
This thread confirms how shitty this community can be, stop bashing other games while pretending a game you havent even played is the best thing ever. get over yourselves.
Yes im mad.
those other companies deserve their bashing after ripping off their customers for years. no one f's up a brand more than EA or Activision.....no one. let's be realistic BF3 screwed the pooch bad with lack of patching/updates/balance/hacking and CoD screwed up by not having dedicated servers for years and letting the hacked lobbies take over. both got their cash and gave the real players the finger. most of us were flat out lied to about and sold short by their latest products. both franchises deserve to go down in flames. period. people are excited cause we know this is the game that will do it. RIP $hitty cod and bf forever. game over.