(It's become fairly obvious that this squad structure will have to change, going to await something more final before we make the changes. No point converting to a 6 man squad structure only to have it change again during beta.)
Our website covers most of what you might want to know about us in a very accessible format so I'll try to keep it short here.
Ventures is a multigaming organization, we've been around for almost 2 years and we've done very well in the games we've played. Now our core is going into Guild Wars 2 and Planetside 2 (You don't have to play both of course) and we're very excited for both these games. We hope to play them for years to come and we're looking to build on and expand our core, which means we're looking to recruit likeminded individuals who wish to be a part of a lasting community with ambitious goals.
If you're interested, have a look at
http://venturesguild.com/recruitment, it is a fairly extensive section that covers practically everything and is aimed at those who really care about what group they play with.