I`ll admit for me the news about PS 2 has been a rollercoaster. Ups and downs, its going to be great!/ ah thats not so good.... almost continuous emotions with every screenie/info we have got over the last year really.
But these recent video`s have me thinking this is going to be pretty damn amazing altho there`s one thing missing in the recent gameplay which is absolutely VITAL to Planetside imo... `INCOMING MAX UNITS!`
I heard Higby say they are currently working on these. But i thought wouldn`t it be beyond awesome if they had a little competition to see who could come up with the best voice macro and that could be included into the game ??
With the winner being able to hear his success for years.. (and also get annoyed when enemies do it to him!) the rewards are there for the passionate PS playerbase to come up with a catchy memorable messege to shout around auraxis. How many would be up for this ?? Would the devs be up for this ??