What do you miss?
As you know, Planetside 2 will be radically new and different. There will be a lot from the first game that won't make it to the second. So what will you miss? This can be anything from old vehicles to styles of combat that are lost to the game. What do you miss?
Personally I'm going to miss the Galaxy Gunship and all of the buggies. Why are there no buggies???
But I'm also going to miss the large open-terrain warfare. It seems like too much of the warfare is being conducted at a base instead of between them because all of the open area is pocketed with little outposts.
I also think that they don't put enough emphasis on taking the actual base. There is always only one or two capture points in the base itself and the rest are spread around. You can capture the base without ever going inside it! Does that make any sense?
That's what I'll miss, but what about you?