Re: Death is No Excuse Full Length Trailer
So I am NC loyal, and have to comment that I also initially felt like the TR got the shit end of the stick on this one.
THEN, I considered the following concept. The TR are the most naturally appealing to new-comers. While I totally respect, and feel that the TR should have some positives to pull out from the trailer, I feel that it will actually balance out the population pull. People will always want to play the empire that shoots the most bullets and is the 'right' or original faction... the one fighting off the crazy techies and the rebels.
In that light, i pity the TR, but feel like it might actually provide some balance to empire population decisions.
In all, this trailer was JUST intended to build interest in the game. It will do that.
Acosmo: "Higgity Higgity Higgity"