Re: Wait, was that trailer supposed to represent Planetside?
It was a better representation of the scale than any other trialer they have realesed because they havent had the numbers to show that kind of scale so cgi was the only way to get it. As to why it is like it is well the TR getting beat up was only fair after the last trailer and this is what will get poeple intrested. They will see the trailer and then want to learn more about the game the same way the 300 movie got poeple intrested in the battle of themopile while not be acuarit in them slightest. Its not as unreprsentive as you might think apearnty you can vehicle surf and shoot pilots in some vehicles. The main part that intrested me was the becon that the nc put down before all the drop pods was that a referance to how they plan to ballance that feture.