Re: Wait, was that trailer supposed to represent Planetside?
While the TR contracted Storm Trooper-itis, the NC "chief" led the charge, ramboing his way through multiple Storm Toopers, escaping the ire of the enemy MAX, and then finally going through and destroying a Gal with his pea-shooter.
However, while you might THINK that this promotes going off on your own, in the end, his lack of proper communication with allies and lack of friends to back him up made it so the obviously superior Vanu Teamwork could essentially lure his freshly respawned troops into a trap and take over the base from the Storm Troopers.
On the other hand, someone who just saw and knows nothing of PS2 would probably think: "Huh, so basically you're this guy in blue armor that has to go through and fight guys in red armor, and then out of no-where hot alien chicks show up... Is this a Crysis clone?"
The beauty of it though, is that CGI trailers are meant to get people interested. It doesn't have to convey true play. When people go to the website (or when they create a character, pending their ability to pay attention) they'll start to see: "Hey, I can PLAY the hot alien chick/baddass blue guy... and I guess they aren't aliens but who cares."
Then, they get a little further, see a half-dozen Gals idling... go past them thinking they are scenery or something, but they'll eventually get into a battle, eventually join a squad and realize, the trailer wasn't that far off... all those vehicles, the use of strategy, the poor aim of the TR*, everything.
Revelation does not need to happen from the CGI Trailer, it can happen in-game or via followup research into the game.
*(I do think it sucks for TR to be the Storm Troopers though, just because they'll be largely overlooked by that small subset of people.)