Originally Posted by Noctis
Yea for sure, flamethrowers are kinda deadly, and suit best for point capture point rooms defense. Anyway I see maxes like vehicles, most effective in groups, I'd like to get in the facility, and drop 7 maxes and 3 engineers on the field at once. Max surely gives advantages, but they aren't bulletproof robots anymore
The Devs would not have made the MAX's to work like vehicles although they do have a cooldown and I think they also cost resources (?). 7 MAX's and 3 engineers isn't a flexible combination, a flexible combination would be a combination of all the classes with a particular emphasis on assault troopers of one or both kinds. The amount of firepower the MAX could give to a squad (Even 1) and the ability to storm a room soaking up more firepower than ANY other class can take will undoubtedly be huge advantage to any squad.
I'm not saying that the MAX-Engineer combo isn't a complete bad one, but a good squad would focus the engineers before the MAX's. It's just an easy combo to counter. A good infiltrator could ruin that squads engineers in 1 clip.