hello everybody! It's doctor filch!
Introduction eh? I can do introductions.
Hello, I'm Dr. Filch and I am a gamer.
Hello, I'm Dr. Filch and I'm not all that new to PS2, allthough I may not be a proper "veteran" but I did play PS1 a couple of times and my only reason for not getting it was that I had the worst connection imaginable and was ca 12 years old when it released... Excuses, I know, but still.
In PS2 you'll probably find me flying erraticaly or being completely lost in the desert (Even on continents that don't have deserts).
Seriously though: I'm the kind of guy who plays for fun but also to win and who believes communication is A and O. I will most likelly be an infiltrator or heavy infantry but due to some unknown braindamage you'll likelly find me behind the controlls of a scythe, attempting to dogfight at max speed (I like speed, I am however not very good at dogfights). That about sums it up, looking forward to shooting you on the battlefield!