Re: "Controlling" world populace
To me it seems like the Chinese way is the best way.
Think about it:
1. It is almost completely harmless.
2. It works at amazing speed (each generation, the amount of newborns is only half the amount of newborns in the previous generation (8 parents give birth to 4 children, the 4 children give birth to 2 children, and the 2 give birth to 1)).
3. The process can easily begin and stop at any point (when the population reaches the right amount, the government can just say that the rule is suspended).
The only minus I can think of is that this thing can never be applied to some of the religious population in the world (most of the Islamic population and about 20% of the Jewish population (who are more religious).
Now it may sound inhuman to control humans this way, but overpopulation is a real problem at this stage, and right now it seems like the best option.