Just found these forums randomly and thought i'd join. Name's Gardamis or Gard for short, and I can't wait to get into PS2 beta (have a twitter key, just a'waitin' for the email.
Started gaming pretty young but nothing PC wise until my older sister showed me WoW a few years back. The thought of being able to play and chat with lots of people on a game was really appealing, especially since my parents were never fond of populated areas so i've never lived around many people my age. The ones that were around had zero in common with me, so it was a life saver.
I've slowly gotten into other stuff now, but have a long way to go and a lot of games to play to really flesh out exactly what types of games I want to play for the long run. I still play lots of WoW during the active times, have played a bit of Tribes: Ascend this year, and most recently got Awesomenauts and have been loving it, also.
I saw TotalBiscuit's E3 coverage of PS2 and REALLY loved the thought of huge battles going on non-stop. Because the main thing that had kept me away from playing a fps mainly was learning all the ins and outs of a certain game, being bad and having to be carried, etc while learning in smaller maps. Being a WoW player and wanting to play a fps, it seems like the perfect fit.
Haven't decided fully what faction i'll be...thinking NC for a few reasons, one being the ability to fire slower but hit harder. Anywho, hi there!