Current problems that MUST be fixed
And by must be fixed I mean if you don't do it, nobody is going to play this game for more then a few months.
-infantry combat is not technical at all. It requires no strategy and is extremely boring
Which bring up my second point
-the indoor combat is incredibly weak. This is a modern shooter, you have to get the indoor combat correct. Give us the feeling planetside did, "the alamo" style of holding down a base. Vary the size of rooms, add more small rooms, add hallways, add cover, ect
-bases need walls so it actually feels and looks like a base.. come on SOE whose idea was it to remove walls. If you are in some global war, why would your base have no perimeter just welcoming enemies? Would the US do that in Iraq? No..
-SOI, I don't know if this is in yet but it needs to be, I haven't been participating in beta for awhile now because..
The game is boring. And sometimes the truth hurts but that is what you need to here. There is some major gameplay issues mainly around infantry combat. I played the beta for two weeks, I have been playing Planetside since 2004. I'm not on here to complain, I want this game to succeed and that why I am being real with all of you. Unless the infantry combat is god d*** spectacular and it keeps you hooked for hours on end, the game will die in a few months when the next big AAA shooter comes out. And please don't say beta, because this goes way beyond that, this is the foundations of the game.
To sum up my review: