Currently (Idon't know about the latest patch though) you cant spawn as MAX. It annoys me greatly since I am playing MAX most of the time.
First why developers did it? May be MAX spawning were causing bugs and crushes ETC (this change was introduced in the patch that fixed server crash problem). In that case, nevermond. MAX spawn will be back.
Besides that I found only one situation in hours and hours of playing as MAX, where this affected game balance. It happened when I was defendin the point and I was killed and before I was able to switch my class to the MAX the terminal became neutral. That didnt allow me to go to the point and kill everyone there, but anyway by the time I would got there point would be captured and I won't be able to take it back.
Now when I think about it I'm pretty sure it was just temproraly thing. But if not, and developers wanted to add some sort of delay for MAXes to spawn, they can just implement a spawn timer different for different classes.