Yup, "stingy old man buys great value deal - News at 6!", right? Well, yes I suppose, why not share!
The clincher for me was the name reservation.
I already had 3,000 Station Cash so I didn't really need 4,000 more. I wasn't really interested in the camos (but now I am going everywhere in my red, white, black jammies! /hug T-Ray). A 10% XP boost is nice, but not something to go crazy over. The decal? Sure, thanks, I guess. Title of "Founder", yes let's make an even loner name so people can see us coming from farther away. I half considered reserving the name "i".
The 12 free weapons, this i like.
So in the end, stodgy old me purchased the Alpha Squad because,
- It was $40 of Station Cash for $40, so no "loss".
- Name reservation is cool.
- Free weapons saves me time or money.
Are you still on the fence about Alpha Squad?