Let the idea of crewed tanks DIE please.
If you want a crewed tank, ask for a cert to make it an optional sidegrade.
The only thing that needs to be changed is MBT's should need tech plants to spawn, and lightnings should be spawned from the rest of terminals. That would be real "balance" not some anti fun nazi restriction of needing a crew to shoot your gun for you that you just spent all your resource points on.
I don't know how many years it took Planetside 1 players to get good at gunning tanks.
It was painful for so long. I wanted to slit my wrists every time I was a driver. Gunners were incompetent. Tank battles looked like Monty Python scenes. People driving around in circles around the enemy trying to hit each other. Having to stop the tank so your gunner could get a steady shot off. Having to move 3cm right or left so they could get line of sight over a stupid rock.
Its just dumb and i'm glad to see it go.
I understand the points behind crewed tanks. I was a badass tank driver and gunner in PS1. But I also know all the negatives. I would rather have non crewed tanks. If I want a crew I can still do that and we can go blow shit up, if I want to go out on my own I can do that too. No brainer design decision there.
As smedley says, trust me and STFU.