Instant Action / H.A.R.T.
Currently the "Instant Action" feature is pretty much the "H.A.R.T." from Planetside 1, minus the preperation part, plus a pretty long cooldown timer ( It seems to me that the current system is made with selling boosters to reduce the cooldown in mind).
The "Instant Action" from PS1 was, as i recall it, without a cooldown. "Esc", "I" and there you go. You couldn't decide where you went, and you couldn't drop from the sky, that was where the "H.A.R.T." came into play. But it was exactly that, instant action for someone too lazy / not knowing where to walk.
That mechanic allowed two important things: Automatically assigning troops where they would be good for the flow of the game, and a quick and sure way to get new people right into the action.
Both of these things are problems in the current Planetside 2. With a big flashy "instant action" button in the menu new players (and these "casuals" they are aiming it) wouldn't need to figure out a way how to get to the action right away. It would also allow some sort of automated distribution of players on the map.
Therefore i think it would be good to have "Instant action" and "Drop Pods" as two seperate mechanics. The "Drop Pods" have a more tactical use, so the cooldown (with associated booster shop) could be on them.
Whatcha thinking auraxians?