it's common place that we have 0 clue of what the SC value will be for PS2... and of course this "triple Sunday bargain" sounds cool, but what is the point in buying more SC if i can unlock whatever i want with 4000 SC and still have some left?
i tried to make some rough estimations about the SC : certs rate, here's what i came up with (which might be not even close to reality, but anyway
IF they design the system so that with 2000 SC (half of Alpha's pack) you can max out any vehicle (by maximising i mean certifying a single system for each category - utility, defensive etc), and assuming that each maximisation needs 480 certs, then we'll need about 2400 certs. So, the rate in this case is 1.2
with the same concept, if we need 1k SC for a maxed out vehicle, then the rate becomes 2.4, for 2.4k it's 1:1 and so on
Anyway, i'll stick to my Alpha SC, i'm not buying something without knowing its buying power.