Originally Posted by Figment
What was good also was that you got these pop ups every time you got to something new, aside from world objects like warpgates and continents, these would be marked with big yellow exclamation marks, inviting you to take a look at what they do. You even got experience for touching those marks, so it was very rewarding to explore new tools.
Honestly, I think they did an outstanding job for the intuitive design and incentives to follow through with them without being obligated to any of it since you could always do them later through a tab in the personal profile pop up.
I loved PS1 tutorial. It was like a character boost associated to a discovery/achievement list.
There was an index of everything your character could discover. While it was not really part of the tutorial, you were given XP anytime your character did something new and to complete the list, there were some advanced challenging items: piloting and trying weapons of enemy vehicles. Not a task for beginners yet part of the same "progress" list!
(fyi, you could capture and use enemy vehicles in PS1)
The tutorial was basically helping you to start filling the list and to realize how much more there was to find !
Coupled with the achievement system, it was a thing I remember taking some time to read and trying to complete.