Are the official forums down? (if so, for how long?) - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2012-11-18, 04:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Are the official forums down? (if so, for how long?)

Hey all,

Are the official forums down? When I try to access them I only seem to get redirected to the front page with the count-down and I haven't been able to get around that.

Are they down or just moved or something like that? I was really looking forward to having the forums availiable to spend my time on until release both to whittle the time away and to be able to formulate my strategy on what server to join, what faction to choose, what outfit to apply for ect. so I realy hope they aren't just going to be completely down until release. If they are down until release then I don't really understand that choice. They must realize that the hardcore fans will find this extremely inconvenient. I can understand some quick maintainance to set them up with new categories and such for launch but...

Do any of you have any info on this? I'm not saying that PSU's forums are bad but that just isn't where most people have been congregating up until now and I feel a bit cut off from the majority of the community because of this.

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