Clarify Implants XP Boosters
Even though Hamma and Jennyboo were nice enough to ask smed my question about boosters, I don't feel like he answered it thoroughly.
Basically, I have stationcash and will buy an xp booster, but I wanna coordinate with my outfit how we can best use boosters. I've seen conflicting info come from SOE on twitter and the old beta forums. So if anyone has good intel or if a dev can chime in I'd like to know the following:
-Is it true that only the squad leader can use the squad xp booster?
-If multiple people in a squad have the squad booster will the 35% squad boost stack multiple times?
Also for those of us who participated in the Facebook Recruitment App pre-beta, most of the rewards for that do not exist anymore.
Level 1 gives implants when implants improved reload speed and timers etc. Level 2 gives xp booster and resource booster.
Does anyone know if they are updating these rewards to fit the current game or if those that participated are just out of luck?
If anyone has info on this I would really appreciate it.