I'm not sure if the carv was nerfed or not, but the truth of the matter is the Carv ain't no longer what it used to be for me. Either I'm getting worse, the players are getting better, or there have been subtle nerf and buffs going on ever since the later part of BETA.
In comes the T32 BULL. I bought this the other day and my first impressions where just bleh. Today I started adding attachments; compensator, forward grip, HV ammo. This thing is really coming alive. I must say it's a monster midrange. Steady recoil and precise. Moderately long distance is also pretty decent when you burst. I haven't tried much CQC yet, I rarely hipfire so I'm not the best to judge performance in that range.
Bottom line, the carv is going in the closet. The days of a single do it all gun are over, besides, why limit yourself to one gun when it's so much fun trying out new weapons and honing that arsenal.
My load outs are -
T32 Bull - Midrange
TMG 50 - Long Range
MiniChain Gun- Short to Mid
Anyone else try the new bull?