Originally Posted by Crator
We do have proof that barrier to entry (currently CC) cuts back on exploiters. We're talking about blatant exploiting, predominantly wall and speed hacks that affected everyone playing. This was apparent when PS1 had the reserves program then shut it down due to blatant exploiting.
But I also agree that it does limit the player base. Not certain what else could be done other then active mods watching and responding as they do in PS2 currently.
A number of things.
First of all, engine needs to be fixed up. Fix the performance, move stuff to the server, as much as possible. PS2 has to do a lot of stuff Clientside due to the sheer amount of stuff happening (Physics, 2000 players, etc), but PS1 runned just fine ages ago on much weaker server hardware. 133 Players per faction is PS1s sweet spot, no need to up the numbers.
And even if stuff cant be moved to the server completly, there should still be enough power left to monitor players, and give them a ban if they appear to have different ROF, COF and whetever else values than they should.
Also, active, easy working reports and someone to monitor them. Not 24/7 or something, the PS2 folks who do te job for PS2 just need to hop over whenever the need arises.
Pair that with a subscription of 5$ a month to be able to play, and you should be good. No reserve or anything, pure F2P needs constant admin monitoring, or it will get overrun by cheaters. Any entry barrier like CCs or something just makes it harder for a lot of valid players, and hurts more than it helps.