Is there a way to look up individual outfits in PS? Can different outfits share the same name across different servers? I would think so.
There was an incident with the outfit named "GOON" on Mattherson this week, I tried to talk to them about it (What a waste of time, what bunch of idiots)
They, after many insults told me they were on miller server, I'm sure it was the same group, you could tell by the serious lack of intelligence and maturity...anyone who cheats is bad enough, but admitting it and bragging about it?
They held the Biolab all week by exploiting the jump pads and using alts to team kill, I know because it happened to me and my friends, until we figured it out and left them alone..but I don't like being farmed by cheaters and I'm sure none of you like it either..I play honestly and earn my experience like most of you.
I'm not sold that they are on one server only..if anyone can link up the GOON outfit page, the GOON that plays Mattherson, I would appreciate it..
This is important, thanks.....