i dont really care if air is somehow balanced by dual bursts - its not fun.
This game is about having fun.
When I want to play infantry being forced into a max suit that is only good at anti-air (and even then not getting actual kills) - just isnt fun.
If this was something occasionally required it would be fine but over 3/4s of the time on the battlefield air is the dominate issue.
I dont enjoy having the majority of my game play experience dictated by a relative few pilots.
Yes I find ways to avoid them that leads to the second problem in the game - there rather few ground based battles over half the players are ghosr caping , ninjaing and fighting in bio domes.
I think air is over powered - but its kind of beside the point - if air is ruining the fun for most of the players(and its definitely what my friends who mostly stopped playing complained about) then air is ruining the game.
Wherever you went - Here you are.