How recoil and attachments seem to really work.
This is just based on wall tests. The extent of my knowledge as to whats really in the game comes from the google doc spread sheet.
It appears thats theres 2 parts to recoil.
Type 1 recoil -a back and forth horizontal bouncing
type 2 recoil -a a directional vector that it hops along at a steady rate.
Recoil 1 is whats reduced by the forward grip. It seems to work pretty much as expected - its of minimal significance up close but at long range its hurts accuracy even if you use bursts.
Recoil 2 is reduced by the compensator. What is not expected from reading the in game descriptions is that directional horizontal recoil is a part of Type 2 recoil.
So if you dont like your gun sliding sideways as you shoot only a compensator will offer any improvement. It will still slide at the same angle with the compensator but it will travel less.
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