I asked Higby on Twitter and got no answer.
What is farming? What am I supposed to do when I attack a base... stop killing the enemy?
I can understand situations where attackers surround a point then seem to intentionally not cap it... but I find those situations few and far in between. AND the people being farmed definitely deserved some of the blame... there is no reason to keep spawning when you realize the battle is over.
It might've been just a bad run of luck... but I mentioned how the XP changes seem to be negatively impacting my cert generation -- and immediately I'm told that I'm somehow doing it wrong... not playing right.
I went to an amp station and attacked with a group. We took down generators, tried to keep them down... I tried to kill every enemy I saw first... and shot back at everyone that shot at me first. What should I be doing differently?
Like I said.. maybe it was just a run of bad luck - but I think the XP changes are going to impact people that fight a lot... vs. people that repair/heal/drop ammo.