Planetside Desperately needs this to stay appealing and I've always dreamed of it.
Okay, hear me out. But a form of PvE. How many times do you log onto PlanetSide, get a little discouraged about the fact that you need to find a platoon, or at least a good squad, to really have a good time? What if there were some sort of instance where it were you vs. bots. The experience gain would be minimal and most of it would come from completing a mission. These missions could involve whole squads (which would involve a lot more bot enemies) so medics/engineers/Light Assault/Heavy Assault can all learn to work together and players can practice these roles in settings where they won't die instantly.
I know PlanetSide has no PvE, and I understand that completely. But I get so discouraged by the fact I can't just log onto PlanetSide for 15 minutes, have some fun, and go to work or whatever. I also want a way to level up outside of having to find fights, a lot of which can be one sided.
Some things to consider are:
1) How would this benefit the empire? Maybe every mission on that continent adds to a resource pool for a short time?
2) Keep the experience gain to a minimum. We don't want people leveling up in PvE, essentially farming, though they do that in other ways now anyway.
3) How difficult is it to implement? The NPCs don't have to be smart. They just have to fire back. Just think of it. 1 person alone going against a whole platoon to destroy a generator or something. Using med packs, hiding and taking cover between kills. And this is just to kill time until they can do it in the real fight. It's lik VR training.
I really think PlanetSide could adapt something like this and it wouldn't be extremely difficult. It would add so much more replayability and the ability for just 2-3 people to squad up and play and have fun without getting frustrated that their efforts mean not all that much without a platoon, or that their efforts won't just be wiped away once another faction realizes they are stealth capping a continent.
Please at least consider this!