Originally Posted by psijaka
As someone who has played infil quite a lot in PS2 I would agree with this.
Hacking is occasionally a powerful tool; being able to sneak in, hack a terminal and pull a sunderer at the right time can be a base winner. But this is very situational indeed; usually I'm only making a nuisance of myself by hacking a turret or whatever.
Not to contradict you, but I thought I would report on a situation where we were 2 VS manning 2 of the guns at the eastern entrance of Tawrich Techplant, facing a tank column and quite a few reavers and NC libs.
I was manning the AA, the other guy was switching between AA and AV turrets, I think. We were doing a good job of keeping the NC force away.
That is, until a single infiltrator came and hacked our turrets. The bastard didn't even kill us. Just came, hacked the manned turrets last and ran away. This must have been a coordinated attack, because the NC main force got rolling immediately and completely crushed all two of us (and the late comers who don't realize that these two eastern towers are worth manning almost all the time).
A decisive move by a single infiltrator that decided the fate of the tech plant.