AF-4 Cyclone vs GD-7F Which is the better close range NC gun?
I posted a link to my AF-4 Cyclone review here a little while ago and there was quite the debate on whether the GD-7F was still the better CQC gun and which was still the better guns for LAs. Because of this, I made this video to talk about the weapon stats that stand out and which really help out the LA class (or any player as any class that is aggressive, always on the front lines, and often fighting multiple opponents). Looking at the stats on paper are nice, but what do they actually mean once in game and in a fight? That's what I sought to answer in this video.
What do you guys think? Did I leave anything out? Those of you hardcore GD-7F users, did this make you more inclined to check out the AF-4? For those of you who have only trialed the gun, will you now check it out again?