Originally Posted by PredatorFour
Specialization was better in PS 1 cos you could customize your loadouts.
I could hop into a tank as 'engineer' but instead of a gun just carry a repairing device. the rest of my inventory could be filled with 11 mines(or c4/mobile turrets ....combat engineering devices)
Then in my tank i could open the boot and put lots of repairing canisters in aswell as more mines etc.. customized to my needs.
You could do this with whateva playstyle you liked which was awesome.
Interesting. I would not concider that specialition at all. That's just having a bigger inventory so you carry more of the stuff you like to use. I can see why you would want it.
To me specialisation is where you have the ability to make a decision that give you or improves an ability at the expense of perminantly reducing your functionality in another area. PS2 allows me to specialise in claymore mines. I cant decide tomorrow that I'm bored with mines and load up with extra ammo instead. I would like the ability to carry more mines, and of course I could spend certs to gain another ability, but once I've specialised in an area, I cant change it. If I could, it would not be specialising.
Just goes to show how careful you have to be with words I suppose. Like using Meta when you mean Strategic.